The department of Visual Communication Design got the award of 2012KFF
Post Department:Department of Visual Communication Design      Post Date:2012-09-27  至  2012-11-01

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Congratulations!! The Department of Visual Communication Design got the award of 2012KFF International Short Film Competition and the ''Happy Button'' is going to show at Kaoshiung Film Festival.

Department of Visual Communication Design got the award of 2012KFF International Short Film Competition--Unit of Fantasy Short Film Competition  

Director: Lin Tai-Zhou, Zeng Qi-Xiong, Lin Jia-Wen, Tang Yong-cheng

Producer: Jiang Xiang-Jie, Zhang jia-yu, Huang Yi-Ting

Creation: Happy Button

Ideas of creation:
No matter what is truth or fake, the media always overstate, and we over depend on the technology and network. It's real life now.
'Happy Button' is the keyboard that is good at setting shorcut, it was almost used for control life by yourself and repeat the process continuously copy, recover, delete, and paste. Although we try to use it that could be resolved easily anf conveniently as computer, it just makes worse unwittingly.

It's a humored satire on making technology for convenience. We wish to make you different meaning. 

    最後更新 ( 2012/10/02, 週二 )