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Research Center of Industrial Pollution Control - Introduction
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  College of Engineering - Research Center


Department and Task

To comply with the national policy, i.e. “To Lay Equal Stress On Economic Development and Environmental Protection” as well as to serve propelling the cooperation of practice and education which are relative to the prevention and solution for the industrial pollution, industrial tests and the cultivation of experts, the Yunlin. Tech. University thus formally established “Research Center of Industrial Prevention “ (RCIPC) on August 1st, 1996.

The goal of this center is to integrate teachers, human resources and equipment which are relating to the environmental protection and the prevention and solution of various pollution - air, deserted water and objects, also noise and vibration; and to engage in solving the resource problems, and all the related fields as to the research and development of industrial pollution. Through the relationship of cooperation between the production line and the school, this center is to expand the communication of skills and experts who are working domestically or abroad in the private and public research institutes for the research of pollution prevention and solution. This center expects to unify teacher resource, equipment, soft and hard resources to enhance the skills of domestic pollution prevention and solution and to expand the research and development results to proceed to the goal of prevention and solution with the same emphasize on both the environmental protection and the production line development.


* Research Center of Industrial Pollution Control - Contact Information  
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Fax Number

    最後更新 ( 2017/11/24, 週五 )