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College of Management - Introduction
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 College of Management



In the early days after the university was founded, management departments and courses were established, then, in 1997, when restructuring brought technology university into being, a College of Management was established, having the following aims:

(1) Nurturing independent, team player, professional management talent.
(2) Raising the level of management research, strengthening domestic and international academic exchange.
(3) Integrating the teaching and research resources of the College of Management, providing education, business-school cooperation and consulting services to enterprises.




On the existing foundations the College’s development objectives are as follows:

(1) In accordance with the specialized needs of businesses, using a two-stage program-department framework to completely cover various specialized areas.
(2) With program system spirit, assisting teaching staff with similar specialties to independently plan and develop teaching and research in various specialized areas, providing better support for industry and commerce.
(3) Courses, teaching staff and equipment of each department support the various programs, giving every student in the College more freedom in course selection, allowing teachers to teach and carry out integrated research according to their specialties, effectively utilizing the College’s resources.

Establishing a good “program/department” development model, through systematic planning and a step-by-step process, developing innovative specialized areas for society and businesses. The College of Management will have an advanced support, supervisory and after the event integration function.

(5) Connecting the College of Management’s overall teaching resources, achieving flexible and autonomous group operation, providing effective overall services for industrial and commercial development.



Work description

Integrating college internal resources, effectively supporting and coordinating various departments, institutes and research centers and also promoting teaching research and industry service and other related work.



Site Layout and Equipment

The College of Management is located on the south-eastern side of the university. The main buildings at present are No. 1 Management Hall which has floor area of 7797.88 square meters, No. 2 Management Hall which has floor area of 8913.05 square meters and the recently completed No.3 Management Hall which has floor area of 5884 square meters. The three buildings combined have floor area of around 22594.93 square meters. Equipment is distributed throughout the College’s various units.



Future Prospect

In the future, the College of Management will continue to integrate and expand(1)The research resources of the various departments, graduate schools and centers of the College, both localizing and internationalizing the development of academic,(2)Teaching staff specialties, developing teaching features and upgrading quality,(3)The practical domain exchange platform, strengthening industry-academia cooperation ,raising employment and service competitiveness.


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    最後更新 ( 2022/03/07, 週一 )