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Information Technology Services Center - Introduction
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Administration Center



The Information Technology Services Center is the hub that help the school to transfers all electronic information of Yuntech to academic departments in campus and to other fields. The mission of the Center is to formulate informational plans and manage the applications of computer and internet resources of Yuntech, and at the same time, to support informational education and research developments. The Center also seeks to computerize the school administrative system, provide informational services in and off campus, and popularize regional informational education.

In order to accord with Yuntech’s original principles—promoting internationalization in campus and being proactive as always— the school has been striving to acquire up-to-date informational software and facilities, and expect Yuntech will become an “Informational Intelligence Networking Campus” in future. The nodes of the network will be connected for the convenience of sharing information, and these developments are expected to enhance educational, research, and administrative efficiencies.


1. Promoting computerization of the school administrative works
2. Developing automation system for offices
3. Establishing an "Informational Intelligence Network Campus"
4. Integrating campus computational resources
5. Integrating campus computational resources
6. Promoting informational applications in the region, and strive to become the area's network center

The Center is also responsible for: making overall planning for all computer and internet resources in campus, developing informational system for school administrations, editing computer user guides, holding information education trainings for faculties and students, promoting extension education of informational applications, and engaging in R&D works to enhance informational technologies within industries.


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* Information Technology Services Center - Contact Information  
 Extension Number
 Fax Number

    最後更新 ( 2022/10/07, 週五 )