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College of Future - Introduction
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 College of Future  


NYUST helps students discover their true calling and develop the knowledge and expertise to thrive in their future careers. Each student develops a personalized “Individualized Education Program (IEP)”. By reducing concentration requirements and by encouraging cross-disciplinary learning, NYUST encourages students to follow their curiosity and develop new and unconventional lines of inquiry. 

Students receive a strong foundation in the humanities, social sciences, aesthetics, technology and industry. Through internships and project work, students gain practical experience in authentic industrial settings, helping them to improve their skills and apply their classroom learning to real world challenges.




Faculty members work closely with each student to fully assess and develop the student’s ability and future career plan. The mentor also assists each student in choosing relevant courses to enhance specific abilities, incrementally developing the required experience and expertise to realizing their future career goals.




Bachelor Program in Interdisciplinary Studies
Bachelor Program in Industrial Projects




We provide various bachelor degree programs and recruit students from different backgrounds, creating learning ecosystems that allow students to develop and follow their intellectual curiosity and fullfil their potential.



Contact number

05-5342601 #7189、#3098、#3112


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* Contact Information  
 Extension   Number
Tel:+886-5-534-2601#7189、 #3098、#3112  


    最後更新 ( 2024/05/07, 週二 )