Graduated students have the highest percentage of the passing rates of public servant examinations
Post Department:Department of Construction Engineering      Post Date:2011-12-21  

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Graduated students of Department of Construction Engineering have the highest percentage of the passing rates of senior public and general public servant examinations  

Congratulations! Graduated students of Department of Construction Engineering have the highest percentage of the passing rates of senior public and general public servant examinations. The list is as below

Snior public servant examinations7 people
34550071 Feng-Rong Xu Master degree
34570094 Jia-En Li two-year college
34570073 Shi-Min Chen two-year college
34570181 Sheng-Jie Lin  two-year college
34540558 Wen-Jun Wang  four-year college
34530003 Sheng-Ping Zhang Master degree
34510894 Shi-Xiu Peng  two-year college + Master degree
34530067 Yi-Xiang Lin two-year college + Master degree
general public servant examinations : 8 people
43140239 Song-Shuo Shi   two-year college
43130072 Yi-Xiang Lin two-year college + Master degree
43140314 Xin-Yi Wang two-year college
43140415 Ming-Cong Xu studying in four-year college
43110311 Kai-Wen Zheng  two-year college
43110303 Ming-Xiu Cai  two-year college
43140402 Ji-Fu Wu two-year college
43130080 Yong- Lin Luo  four-year college