Home Page arrow Honors arrow Yuntech earned the highest prestigious reputation in 2013
Yuntech earned the highest prestigious reputation in 2013
Post Department:Secretary Office      Post Date:2013-02-07  

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Yuntech earned the highest prestigious reputation based on the assessment of universities prestige and nine subjects ranked by Global Views Monthly in 2013. After four-year leading by President Yang, Yuntech has set up a image of cultivating students' ethical morality and capacity of creation. Especially, cooperation with industries make students learning when doing. Yuntech was ranked 13 on the study fields of electrical information engineering and designing architecture.

On the basis of survey to third-grader in senior high, Yuntech was ranked as the 13th most desirous university. Pertaining to the graduate students' emplyability, Yuntech was ranked as the 2nd best vocational university. That means that students graduated from Yuntech have performed great capacity in their workplace. 

    最後更新 ( 2013/04/01, 週一 )